Sunday 7 March 2010

Proposal for Project

In the book First Person, Bill Seaman argued that our sensual body finds itself living amidst an expansive set of technologies, where we encounter texts in varying forms and functionalities—visual, sonic, and code-related, at the same time, virtual world and other computer-related media environments can exhibit emergent meaning, and meaning is the sign conveys, so, the computer-related media environment can be navigated, and provide evocative forms of experience (Seaman, 2004). According to this argument, in this project, we are going to make an interactive game for children, which can be put on some educated website to interactive with children, and this project can navigate children in some positive ways. Our original idea comes from a interactive game named ‘escaping the red room’ , which makes people join in this game, they feel really like position in this room, in this way, they find themselves in this game. This game led us to start to think about making an interactive game which can make players really feel this game and learn something from it, thus, we made our mind up to make a multiple choices interactive game about a famous fable — The Rabbit and the Turtle, in order to make this game more interesting, we found out another good multiple choices game as example, so, we are going to make our game base on this example.

The story line of the project is based on the story of the Rabbit and the Turtle. In the original story, the rabbit was laughing at the turtle for being slow, and then the turtle challenged him to a race. The rabbit was running much faster than the turtle, however, he decided to take a nap. And at the same time, the turtle kept walking by step by step, and finally the turtle won the race. In our project, we want the user to interactive into the story, so, we made multiple choices in this flash game. At the beginning of this story, the user has to choose whether to be the rabbit or the turtle. We also prepared two difference maps for them to decide where they are going to have the race. One is going to have river and mountain in it, so it is much easier for the turtle, as he can swim and rolling down the mountain, another one is a flat ground, which is very easy for the rabbit.
Here is the example if the user chose the Rabbit as the character

The rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run.
1. Laughing at the turtle – go to B
2. Just goes away – the story end, one rabbit runs away.

The turtle challenge the rabbit.
Accept the challenge – go to C
Reject the challenge – the story end.

Choose the Map
Mountain and river – go to D
Flat field – go to E

The rabbit ran much faster and way ahead of the turtle, but he faced the river.
Waiting for the turtle for help to pass the river – go to F
Find a bridge, which is miles away – go to G

The rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle, and in the middle of the race, under a tree, he felt hot and tired, he looked back, and couldn’t see the turtle at all
Take a short nap – go to H
Keep on going with a slower speed – go to I

The turtle said it is a race, and refused to help.
Beat the turtle, use force to make him help – go to J
Find a bridge, which is miles away – go to G

The bridge is too far away, the rabbit catch up with the turtle on the top of the little mountain, however, the turtle rolling down the mountain, and the rabbit lost this race – the story end.
When the rabbit woke up, the turtle is already finish the race, and won the game – the story end.

The rabbit won the game – the story end.

The turtle changed into one of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, and give the rabbit a big fist, and the rabbit had to find the bridge, as he chose this way to race. – go to G

The style of this project is going to be cute cartoon characters, and as the background is in the forest, so the colour will be bright and green. For the music, we are going to use children’s songs and original sound tracks from cartoons, like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Jack Rabbit.

To produce the group project we are going to use various softwares such as illustrator cs3, Photoshop cs3 and Flash cs3. Illustrator is important because we are going to create rabbit and turtle characters. We have not decided to what software going to use for the background we are going to choose between illustrator and Photoshop. We are going to concentrate to use Flash after create characters and background.

Our target audiences are going to be children aged between 4-10 years old, as ‘the rabbit and the turtle’ is very famous story and it is suit for young age children. The project will be good for children to have creative thinking because it doesn’t have any specific ending it means ending going to change depends on different choice during the playing.

Week 5 Finish proposal and concept of the work
Week6 Start to sketch characters and back ground
Week7 Finish the sketches and do some Illustrator and Photoshop work
Week8 Finish the Photoshop and Illustrator work
Week9 Start to do flash work
Week10 Flash work and prepare presentation
Week 11 Presentation and Flash work
Week12 Flash work
Week13 Evaluate the work


Seaman, B (2004) ‘Interactive Text and Recombinant Poetics – Media-Element Field Explorations’ In First Person, p 227-228, The MIT Press.

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