Wednesday 12 May 2010

development of subtitle work

We found some problem on subtitle.
The problem was we cannot see the letter properly and the subtitle hide the fox and the pig ...
as the picture shown ...

therefore we have developed subtitle more neat and clear.
Children can read easier than before and the flash work looks much better !

Saturday 8 May 2010

The design for turtle rolling the mountain

we will make a movie clip in flash, and put 3 pictures together, make turtle looks like rolling.

Friday 7 May 2010

The design for turtle swimming

If the player choose"turtle-mountain-help rabbit to pass the river"
If the player choose "turtle-mountain-don't help rabbit"

Thursday 6 May 2010

The design for river scene

This is our design for river scene, we will put this 2 background pictures in flash., and make them up one picture, and move it from centre of screen to left, this way, the turtle will look like swim in the river.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

snap shot of our work

We tried to upload our draft work but we cannot upload 'swf' file.
So we are uploading snap shot of our work !
this is what we have done until now ....
and we are going to show this work at presentation class. ..

Sunday 2 May 2010

Inspiration for sounds

We are looking for Pingu voice because we will not record all the conversation.
We can understand what pingu want to and the situation although pingu does not have any proper conversation sounds.
We want it like this sound ! We are looking for it !
Also, Tom and Jerry does not contain any proper conversation voice ! but we can understand through their movement.
Our project is different from thsese two clip but these two still have good sounds track !

Friday 30 April 2010

Flash Sound

The tutotial of how to put sound effects in Flash

Thursday 29 April 2010

sound effects

Here is the link where do we get our sound effects from :

Monday 26 April 2010

Research for children

This is a game for a children, the game help to learn English through hide and seek game.
The game target to Korean children who wants to learn English with game.

This is the link for the game

story board

We have done our story board with our characters and back ground.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Flash Button

Tuturial: How to make a Flash Button.

As for our project, button is one of the most important part, so learn how to make a good button is very important for us

flash tutorial

This tutorial for running motion

Sunday 18 April 2010

Our conversation between the rabbit and turtle

The fox's conversation has been added !

NEW Story for "The rabbit and The turtle"

Rabbit : Our rabbit family are so good at running . We are so fast !
My grand grand father won...... my grand father ......
( the turtle walking slowly, passing by )
Look at that ! walks so slow ( choice 1: laugh at him. choice 2: ignore )
Just Like a turtle !! HaHa! Oh.... sorry you are the turtle !

Turtle : (choice 1: challenge choice 2: walk away)
Do you want race ?

Rabbit : You? a turtle ? ha ha ha ha ha

Turtle: yes! do you want or not?

Rabbit : (choice 1: accept. choice 2 : reject)

Turtle: Mr. Fox ! can you be our judge ?

Fox : Nod ( turn back)

Turtle : Where do you want to race lab? ( choice 1 : mountain. choice 2: flat)

Rabbit : (choice 1: mountain. choice 2 : flat )

What ever. you choose ! I am gonna win !
Turtle : okay !

Fox : 1,2,3 go !


Rabbit meets the river
Rabbit : Ah big river ! why is here?!. I cant swim! And bridge is far away .
What should I do? ( choice 1: wait. choice 2: find the bridge)
choice 1 rabbit: Can you help me to pass the river?
turtle: No! you were laughed at me before !


Saturday 17 April 2010

Flash tutorial

This is the tutorial for 'Character Animation using symbol'
This was helpful because we have to do running motion for rabbit and turtle !

Thursday 15 April 2010

Flash games for children

This clip is using button action script for flash game.
this is quite different from our project...
but it is still for children and using of button is useful to look this Flash game clip

characters design

these are our main characters in our project, Rabbit O'Reilly and Tricksy Turtle.
Rabbit O' Reilly' grandfather was a British Rabbit, so, rabbit O' Reilly did dress a little bit similar to his grandfather
Tricksy Turtle is from a Kungfu family, he started to learne kongfu since he was 2, so he loves to wear his eye path with him all the time... However, he is not every good at fighting, but great at posing.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

The Turtle and the Rabbit

This is "The rabbit and The turtle' another person's Flash work.
It is not interactive Flash clip.
The movie clip change some story and it is quite reasonable story and the back ground music make us 2 feeling at the same time which are sad and force a laugh !
The clip shows high quality of drawing and Flash work.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

An original conversation between rabbit and turtle

One day,a rabbit meet tortoise
Rabbit: Hello! tortoise!
Tortoise: Hello! rabbit!
Rabbit: What are you doing?
tortoise: I am running.
Rabbit: You can run? ha ha ha !
Tortoise: Hmm.I am so angry.lets have a race
Rabbit: Ok! let me see.who can get to the big tree frist! one,two,three,go!!
Tortoise: Run run far away,run run let me race
Rabbit: Where is tortoise? where is tortoise? oh,he is slow.I am so tired ,let me have a rest.
Tortoise: Where is rabbit?where is rabbit? oh,he is sleeping,run run far away run run let me race.oh yee! I am winner
Rabbit: Where is tortoise?where is tortoise?oh no !I am late!

Draft drawing for background 2

Monday 29 March 2010

draft drwaing for the rabbit 3

We call this rabbit 'running rabbit', we have drawn five running motion.
Our project for children so we try to simplify the character and make it funny.
If we draw complicated rabbit or serious motion children will not be interested in our work.
We hope children like our characters and motions

Thursday 25 March 2010

inspiration for a backgroud

We have done some character's work but we have not started for the background.
This is the research for the background, the characters are simple so the background going to be simple too. Personally we like second picture of the background because the line is simple and the line is not too thin and not too thick.

Monday 22 March 2010

draft drwaing for the rabbit 2

This is another emotion and movement for the rabbit.
We are going to the rabbit character when turtle ask the race.
The rabbit was so proud of her self when turtle ask the race so we have been concentrate to rabbit's facial emotion and hand motion to look proud.

Friday 19 March 2010

research for the children

Our target audiences are children so we have done some research for the children.
This clip is called 'pororo dance', Pororo is number one character and cartoon for the age between 3-5 in korea.
I think this is popular in world wide because it offers various languages such as German and Spanish.
Moreover it has been watched a lot in youtube (813,969 views at the moment) also we can find the various clip easily

This is one of pororo episode which has English subtitle.

Monday 15 March 2010

draft drwaing for the rabbit

we have developed our rabbit and some movement.
we call this rabbit shock rabbit when rabbit lose the race we are going to use this rabbit character.
The rabbit shows rabbit emotion well

Thursday 11 March 2010

characters design tutorial

Here is the site that teaches us how to draw our characters into different motions.

Monday 8 March 2010

the draft for turtle

we made this turtle in photoshop with original image of turtle

the drafts for rabbit

this is our draft for rabbit

when the rabbit standing

rabbit running

Sunday 7 March 2010

Proposal for Project

In the book First Person, Bill Seaman argued that our sensual body finds itself living amidst an expansive set of technologies, where we encounter texts in varying forms and functionalities—visual, sonic, and code-related, at the same time, virtual world and other computer-related media environments can exhibit emergent meaning, and meaning is the sign conveys, so, the computer-related media environment can be navigated, and provide evocative forms of experience (Seaman, 2004). According to this argument, in this project, we are going to make an interactive game for children, which can be put on some educated website to interactive with children, and this project can navigate children in some positive ways. Our original idea comes from a interactive game named ‘escaping the red room’ , which makes people join in this game, they feel really like position in this room, in this way, they find themselves in this game. This game led us to start to think about making an interactive game which can make players really feel this game and learn something from it, thus, we made our mind up to make a multiple choices interactive game about a famous fable — The Rabbit and the Turtle, in order to make this game more interesting, we found out another good multiple choices game as example, so, we are going to make our game base on this example.

The story line of the project is based on the story of the Rabbit and the Turtle. In the original story, the rabbit was laughing at the turtle for being slow, and then the turtle challenged him to a race. The rabbit was running much faster than the turtle, however, he decided to take a nap. And at the same time, the turtle kept walking by step by step, and finally the turtle won the race. In our project, we want the user to interactive into the story, so, we made multiple choices in this flash game. At the beginning of this story, the user has to choose whether to be the rabbit or the turtle. We also prepared two difference maps for them to decide where they are going to have the race. One is going to have river and mountain in it, so it is much easier for the turtle, as he can swim and rolling down the mountain, another one is a flat ground, which is very easy for the rabbit.
Here is the example if the user chose the Rabbit as the character

The rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run.
1. Laughing at the turtle – go to B
2. Just goes away – the story end, one rabbit runs away.

The turtle challenge the rabbit.
Accept the challenge – go to C
Reject the challenge – the story end.

Choose the Map
Mountain and river – go to D
Flat field – go to E

The rabbit ran much faster and way ahead of the turtle, but he faced the river.
Waiting for the turtle for help to pass the river – go to F
Find a bridge, which is miles away – go to G

The rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle, and in the middle of the race, under a tree, he felt hot and tired, he looked back, and couldn’t see the turtle at all
Take a short nap – go to H
Keep on going with a slower speed – go to I

The turtle said it is a race, and refused to help.
Beat the turtle, use force to make him help – go to J
Find a bridge, which is miles away – go to G

The bridge is too far away, the rabbit catch up with the turtle on the top of the little mountain, however, the turtle rolling down the mountain, and the rabbit lost this race – the story end.
When the rabbit woke up, the turtle is already finish the race, and won the game – the story end.

The rabbit won the game – the story end.

The turtle changed into one of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, and give the rabbit a big fist, and the rabbit had to find the bridge, as he chose this way to race. – go to G

The style of this project is going to be cute cartoon characters, and as the background is in the forest, so the colour will be bright and green. For the music, we are going to use children’s songs and original sound tracks from cartoons, like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Jack Rabbit.

To produce the group project we are going to use various softwares such as illustrator cs3, Photoshop cs3 and Flash cs3. Illustrator is important because we are going to create rabbit and turtle characters. We have not decided to what software going to use for the background we are going to choose between illustrator and Photoshop. We are going to concentrate to use Flash after create characters and background.

Our target audiences are going to be children aged between 4-10 years old, as ‘the rabbit and the turtle’ is very famous story and it is suit for young age children. The project will be good for children to have creative thinking because it doesn’t have any specific ending it means ending going to change depends on different choice during the playing.

Week 5 Finish proposal and concept of the work
Week6 Start to sketch characters and back ground
Week7 Finish the sketches and do some Illustrator and Photoshop work
Week8 Finish the Photoshop and Illustrator work
Week9 Start to do flash work
Week10 Flash work and prepare presentation
Week 11 Presentation and Flash work
Week12 Flash work
Week13 Evaluate the work


Seaman, B (2004) ‘Interactive Text and Recombinant Poetics – Media-Element Field Explorations’ In First Person, p 227-228, The MIT Press.

Friday 5 March 2010

inspiration for a turtle

These turtles gave us lots of inspiration. origin turtle character is very hard working and diligent turtle. So we are going to concentrate to the turtle's like those personality.

inspiration for a rabbit

we are not really good drawing so we have research lots of rabbit chracter and character's movement.
And we found character with various movement also we want to produce stupid and proud rabbit.

Research 4 Influences of interactive game for children

    • Interactive media are rapidly converging and presenting children with new potentials for learning.
    • Collaboration

e.g In a small–scale study of 8 to 16 years old children, the researcher observed many of the children teaching each other how to interact within the graphical world that was created.

we believe that our project can be interactive with children, and affect children in some positive ways.

Thursday 4 March 2010

research 2 -- data

In article named 'Children and interactive media', author points out that between 1999 and 2000, computer ownership in American households had frown 2% (from 68% - 70%), whereas ownership of video gamesystem remained relatively stable. with a 1% groth (from 67% to 68%). online access saw the most significant increase from 1999 to 2000:householder dissemination grew 11%, from 41% in 1999 52% in to 2000 (Woodard & Gridina, 2000). Almost no academic research has emerged on children's use interactive appliances such as handheld games, interactive toys, and wireless technologies.

The data from the 1997 -1998 U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey of U.S. Households (Becker, 2000) showed that 57% of homes with children and adolescentws had computers, and that 60% of children in those households could be classified as regular users (at least 3 days a week). Children most frequently reported using the computer for playing games, followed by school assignments. Internet access was lsee prevalent than other computer applications:34% of school-aged children had in-home access to the internet.

Thus, the data can be eaily seen that children is likely affected by computer and games, and learn some positive or negative knowledge from game, but the most interactive game is educated game, like our project, children, can get many positive information from our project - Rabbit and Turtle.

research 1--First Person

In First Person, In First Person, Bill Seaman argued that our sensual body finds itself living amidst an expansive set of technologies, where we encounter texts in terms of varying forms and functionalities—visual, sonic, and code-related,at the same time, virtual world and other computer-related media environments can exhibit emergent meaning, and meaning is the sign conveys, so, the computer-related media envirnment can be navigated, and provide evocative forms of experience (Seaman, 2004)

Seaman, B (2004) ‘Interactive Text and Recombinant Poetics – Media-Element Field Explorations’ In First Person, p 227-228, The MIT Press.

Research 3

    • ''The literature reviewed in the 2000 report indicated that the pattern of age differences in the amount of video game play varied according to age group, and younger children preferred and spent more time playing educational games than did older children.''

this is also why we are going to make rabbit and turtle story, which can make some educational effects for young children .

Monday 1 March 2010

The maps

Map 1----turtle's choice

Map 2 -----rabbit's choice

inspirations for characters

we are going to create rabbit and turtle character so we have done some research the characters



target audience

Target audiences : 4- 10 years old children

How this project make interactive :

There is many choices and interactive games in this project, which make children more interactive in this story and re-define this story in multiple ways.

Rabbit back ground music


Jack rabbit Jack rabbit
Where are you going now
hoping hoping here and I
Where are you going now

this children song from Korea

rabbit and turtles

We are going to use 'rabbit and turtles' for our project. The story will not be exactly same we will evaluate the story.

This is the original story.

The Rabbit and the Turtle
One day a rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run. He was laughing at the turtle for being so slow. Much to the rabbit's surprise, the turtle challenged him to a race. The rabbit thought this was a good joke and accepted the challenge. The fox was to be the umpire of the race. As the race began, the rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought. The rabbit got to the halfway point and could not see the turtle anywhere. He was hot and tired and decided to stop and take a short nap. Even if the turtle passed him, he would be able to race to the finish line ahead of him. All this time the turtle kept walking step by step by step. He never quit no matter how hot or tired he got. He just kept going. However, the rabbit slept longer than he had thought and woke up. He could not see the turtle anywhere! He went at full-speed to the finish line but found the turtle there waiting for him.

Monday 22 February 2010

simple interactive game
This is a very interactive gaame about Simpson, which interact with people through choosing different result you want to see, at the same time, this game promotes Simpson.

Monday 15 February 2010

Research 1: escaping the red room

we want to make a kind of interactive games like this one